Give Your Partner the Gift of a Mommy Makeover this Holiday Season

Give Your Partner the Gift of a Mommy Makeover this Holiday Season

Having children comes with countless rewards for both parents, but it also comes with some physical changes for only one of them. Pregnancy leaves its mark on mothers in every way possible, and most of them are desirable: They love more deeply, think more purposefully, respond more protectively, and turn their focus wholly on someone else. 

But, for many women, the physical changes aren’t so lovely. New moms often struggle with the drastic changes to their body after carrying and delivering babies. If your partner is frustrated with efforts to get her pre-pregnancy body back, you can help. The thoughtful gift of a mommy makeover can help restore her self-confidence.

Frederick H. Watkins, MD, our board-certified and highly experienced plastic surgeon, offers this treatment to moms who have completed their families and are looking to reclaim their former physique. Many mothers dream about getting a mommy makeover, but they don’t take the time to do it because they’re busy caring for others.

That’s why it makes a perfect gift. 

If you have a mother in your life who longs for a full-body makeover, this could be the perfect gift this holiday season. Here’s what you need to know.

What pregnancy does to the body

Conception, gestation, and childbirth are miraculous processes that utterly transform a woman’s body. A dramatic shift in hormones, a growing fetus, and the delivery of a full-term baby require her body to change so it can accommodate the increasing girth, allow the baby to pass through the birth canal, and nourish the baby afterwards. 

In some young mothers, these changes may revert back to their normal positions and functions, but for many women, the transformation is permanent unless they address it with surgery. Some of the body changes you might see include:

Even with a healthy diet and diligent exercise, it can be impossible to correct these issues. But, plastic surgery can reverse these problem areas and restore her body to its pre-pregnancy shape. 

What’s included in a mommy makeover?

Every mommy makeover is different, as Dr. Watkins customizes each procedure. Depending on what your partner wants and needs, he develops a unique surgical plan to accomplish her goals. The concept of a mommy makeover is that it combines individual procedures into one, so she can address all of her body issues at once. Among the procedures that can be included in a mommy makeover are the following:

Dr. Watkins can perform any combination of these procedures to help your partner look and feel her best.

How to put a “bow” on the gift of a mommy makeover

Struggling with body issues can be frustrating and overwhelming, especially when life is full of to-do lists, work schedules, and a growing family. This level of stress can easily turn into depression and anxiety if left unchecked. A mommy makeover can certainly help get her body back, but you don’t want to add to her stress. Here are some tips that might be helpful.

1. Make sure she wants a mommy makeover

While the gift of a mommy makeover may seem like a thoughtful idea, it may be taken the wrong way if she thinks you aren’t happy with the way she looks. Before offering it, make sure it’s what she wants. 

2. Help make it possible

The No. 1 reason most women don’t schedule their own mommy makeovers is because they don’t feel they can take the time for the surgery and recovery, which can take anywhere from two weeks to a few months.

You can help by doing what you can to clear her schedule and take some of her responsibilities off her plate. 

For example, you can arrange for child care, make sure the pets are fed and walked, and create a meal plan. Every mom is different, so this list may look different in your home, but the key is to free up her time so she can get a mommy makeover without creating increased stress in her life.

If you’re ready to give the gift of confidence and self-esteem this year, book an appointment online or over the phone with the practice of Frederick H. Watkins, MD, today. We have locations in Rockville, Maryland, and McLean, Virginia.

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