Should I Lose Weight Before Getting Liposuction?

Should I Lose Weight Before Getting Liposuction?

If you’re thinking about getting liposuction to sculpt your body, you’re not alone. Over 23,600 Americans opted for the popular body-contouring treatment in 2023 alone.

Many people in Rockville, Maryland, and McLean, Virginia, trust Frederick H. Watkins, MD, for his liposuction expertise and experience, and we’d love to meet with you and earn your trust as well.

But before you book that appointment, it’s important to understand how to prepare your body for liposuction, which may include losing weight. 

Here, Dr. Watkins explains the different types of liposuction, why reaching your goal weight beforehand is important, and what else you should do before your procedure.

Liposuction 101

Liposuction has been around for many years and is a tried-and-true body-contouring method, but it’s not for everybody. Dr Watkins assesses your overall health and weight before determining whether you’re a good candidate for liposuction. If you are, he then decides which type of liposuction will help you achieve your goals.

Suction-assisted lipectomy

Suction-assisted lipectomy (SAL) is the most common form of liposuction. Dr. Watkins uses a thin, hollow tube inserted through small incisions to suction out fat from targeted areas. 

While effective for removing localized fat deposits, SAL isn’t a weight-loss solution; it’s a body-contouring treatment that helps people close to their ideal weight address specific problem areas.

Ultrasonic-assisted lipectomy

Ultrasonic-assisted lipectomy (UAL) uses ultrasonic energy to liquefy fat before removal. 

This technique allows Dr. Watkins to remove fat more precisely, especially in fibrous areas like your back or male breast tissue. Although UAL offers some advantages over traditional SAL, it still doesn’t serve as a weight-loss procedure.

What liposuction can and can’t do

If you choose liposuction for its intended purpose — removing fat from targeted areas and improving your body contours — you’ll be pleased with the results. 

However, don’t expect liposuction to solve obesity or replace a healthy lifestyle. Liposuction isn’t a shortcut to weight loss but a tool for refining and sculpting your body once you’re already close to your goal weight.

Why you should hit your goal weight before liposuction

If you’re overweight or obese, liposuction won’t do much for you. The procedure would be a waste of time and money. 

However, if you’re within 30% of your ideal weight, liposuction can help bridge the gap between you and your goal. Losing weight and maintaining a stable weight ahead of liposuction has several advantages:

Better results

Hitting your goal weight before undergoing liposuction improves your results because Dr. Watkins can more accurately target and remove fat deposits. This precision leads to more natural-looking results and a smoother recovery process.

Reduced risks

People with higher body mass indexes (BMIs) have increased surgical risks such as infections, anesthesia complications, and prolonged recovery times. Being at your goal weight before liposuction reduces your risk of complications. 

Longer-lasting results

Reaching your goal weight before liposuction can also contribute to long-term satisfaction with your results. If your weight fluctuates before or after surgery, it can change the sculpted areas. Maintaining a stable weight ensures that your newly sculpted, liposuctioned figure lasts.

What else to do before liposuction

Losing weight (if you’re overweight) is just one of the liposuction prerequisites. If you want to maximize your results and get the most out of liposuction, here’s what else you should do.

Consult with a board-certified surgeon

Before making any decisions, consult a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Watkins. He helps you understand the procedure’s nuances, set realistic expectations, and tailor a treatment plan that aligns with your goals.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Liposuction should complement a healthy lifestyle, not replace it. Adopting a balanced diet, regular exercise, and good sleep hygiene enhances the results of your surgery and promotes overall well-being.

Prepare mentally

Undergoing liposuction isn’t just a physical transformation, it’s also a psychological one. Prepare yourself mentally by being realistic about what to expect and understanding that the procedure is a body contouring tool, not a magic wand. 

When you’re ready to schedule a consultation with Dr. Watkins, book it online or call our location most convenient to you.

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