Why is Belly Fat so Risky and Stubborn?

Why is Belly Fat so Risky and Stubborn?

If your belly has gotten so large that you’ve had enough and want to look slimmer, that’s a great start — but to really get results, you need a deeper motivation.

Here’s that motivation: belly fat isn’t just an unattractive physical trait. It’s a dangerous problem that could cost you your life if you continue to ignore it.

At Frederick H. Watkins, MD, our expert team led by Dr. Watkins cares about your health. If you’re overweight, our goal is to reduce your fat levels to improve your health. Here’s why and how.

Why is belly fat dangerous?

There are a couple of kinds of fat in your body. The fat just below your skin (the kind you can pinch) is called subcutaneous fat. You usually find this on your thighs, glutes, and upper arms, and while it may not be pretty, it’s not really dangerous.

On the other hand, belly fat (also called visceral fat) is very harmful. This kind of fat accumulates in your abdominal cavity, wrapping around your organs and pushing your belly farther and farther out. Visceral fat cells release hormones and other chemicals that are linked to diseases. 

The biggest risk of visceral fat is cardiovascular disease - as your waistline expands, so too does the risk you’ll develop heart disease. Other big health concerns include asthma, colorectal and breast cancer, dementia, diabetes, stroke, migraines, and more.

All you really need to know is this: too much visceral fat can almost double your risk of dying prematurely.

Why is belly fat stubborn?

Now that you’re sufficiently warned, you probably want to know what you can do about it.

The problem is that belly fat doesn’t respond to just diet and exercise like other fat cells in your body. It’s considered to be an active fat, which means it releases hormones that have an impact on your health and make it harder to lose weight. As your hormone levels change in middle age, the fat accumulates, and it’s harder to get rid of.

Other factors that make belly fat want to hang around include inactivity, poor diets, high stress levels (stress makes our body store fat instead of burn energy), and even a genetic predisposition.

A healthy diet and regular exercise are vital to losing that belly fat, but they may not be enough on their own to drive the results you want. Here at our office, Dr. Watkins performs procedures that may help, including liposuction and body contouring. During your initial consultation, he’ll put together a specific treatment plan for your situation.

If you’re ready for professional help in reducing your belly fat, our team at Frederick Watkins stands ready to help. Just call our location nearest you or  use the “Request Consultation” button on our site to pick your own time!


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